Monday, September 29, 2008

3 Days!

I'm so excited! 3 days until Indiana and family and old friends!

Poor Kendall will be working his butt off up here. He starts at the hospital on Wednesday! Right after work we'll leave for International Falls, 5 hours south of here. We'll sleep at a hotel there Wednesday night and he take us to the airport Thursday morning. Then 5 hours back and the next day his first 12-hour shift at the hospital. So between starting the long hours of a new job and studying for his test (5 hours away in Winnipeg the following Wednesday), he'll be busy. I'm sorry to miss the excitement of hearing about a new job face to face, but I think this will work best overall. If he's super busy, it will probably be good if he can come home and rest, rather than join the chaos that is so often our evenings. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions about work to badger him with long distance.

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