Friday, September 26, 2008

Stormy Weather

Sunday was supposed to be a beautiful and somewhat warm day. Maybe the last one! So we skipped church and decided to spend the day on the lake. You know, camping without hauling all the junk and sleeping on hard beds and freezing half to death. Just the fun parts like being outside and cooking over the fire and relaxing.

We took a chilly boat ride to a fishing hole. After catching a sufficient number of fish for our lunch, we went to a beach we had been to once before. (Goldseeker's, for those of you who know.) As we got lunch ready we could see the clouds moving in. Kendall wondered out loud if we should eat on the go. But by that time I had seen lightning between us and Red Lake. So we decided to wait it out. We watched a storm roll across the lake. Lightning and thunder, but it didn't get too close to us. In fact, at one point the sun was shining on us and the dark clouds were rolling between us and town.

It rained so we went into the bush a bit. There I found lots of cranberries and filled up a Pringle's can. We just waited out the rain. Finally the storm cleared enough that we snatched up the chance and flew home.

So, not the dramatic story it could have been, but it was fun and we're safe.


ribbit98 said...

Beautiful pictures, Karen! And the narrative is always great too!

Jen Bontrager said...

Love the pictures! You have some serious scrapbooking to do!

Jodi said...

I love the picture with just the boat in it! It looks so surreal. Glad the storm wasn't crazy bad. Can't wait to see you soon!

Glenda said...

I love the pictures, Karen!