Friday, September 26, 2008


Sunday morning Kendall went grouse hunting with Derek. (Come to think of it, he went Saturday afternoon with Derek too. Not that we're keeping track.) Anyway, he came home with 5 grouse. So we soaked them in salt water for a couple days and Tuesday evening I roasted them. They were pretty good, but their scrawniness did gross me out a bit. The boys (all 3 of them) declared that the gizzards and hearts were tasty. I, however, wasn't convinced. Then they had fun playing.


Jen Bontrager said...

I think you misspelled it: it's supposed to be gross.


Dave & Gloria said...

Eeeeww...Eli, I see just too much of a BIRD in front of your face...but I'm glad you're so brave, and willing to try new foods! Evan, you too! Personally, the smaller bit of meat LOOKS more appealing! It's great that you have such a FINE hunter in your family! Love, Grandma

Jodi said...

I'm with Ben on this one. Please don't make us eat that when we come. PLEASE?!