Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat

These are the pictures from Eli's party at school. I realized that I don't have a great photo of him in his costume. But here they are anyway.

Here is Eli's class and his teacher, the bumble bee. See if you can find the pirate and the little lizard we snuck into the party.

Eli was a very nice big brother and let Evan hold his hand during their parade through the school.

This is Eli's friend, Coner. We got to know him and his mom through toy library. I guess I can say that she's my friend by now too.

This picture cracks me up for several reasons. The main reason is that each little group got to carve a pumpkin and by picture-taking time, these are the 2 that are not having a melt-down.

Well, tomorrow night we have a Noah's Ark party to attend. I talked Eli into wearing his gorilla costume when I relayed the news that everyone who comes dressed up as an animal gets an extra goody bag. Better photos to follow.


Dave & Gloria said...

These pictures crack me up! What cute little grandsons! Gloria

Jodi said...

Eli, you look awesome! "Aye, aye, matey!" What happened to your parrot on your shoulder? How about a talking grouse?
my publishing word, once again: "diptorks"
Sounds like a mean nickname my kids would make up.