Monday, October 13, 2008


We put the boys to bed. After just a bit I heard them arguing loudly. I stood outside their door to eavesdrop. They were arguing about who should call for us. They know they're not supposed to keep calling or come out or they will get their special thing (moose or blue blanket)taken away. Eli was not being a very nice big brother and was calling his little brother a chicken and telling him to wrestle him.

Finally Evan was fed up and said, "House dog!" (A put-down they picked up from Lady and the Tramp.)

Eli was not easily outdone: "Fart ball house dog onery coconut poop pee poo poo!"

Well that ticked Evan off: "Don't call me poop!"

Eli didn't want his skills to be underestimated: "I didn't call you just poop!"


By the way, soon after that I intervened. I admit that my admonishment came out along with some laughter. But they did get quiet and go to sleep after that. So all is well on the homefront tonight.


Nathalie said...

I love Eli's combination put-down. If one insult is good, a whole line must be great. Wish I could have been there to eavesdrop as well. And is coconut an insult by itself, or does it have to be an ornery coconut? I just want to use it correctly next time I'm mad at Nathalie.

Karissa said...

Man I have to remember not read this in public places. I'm guessing people watching here in the library can't tell if I'm sad or happy as I am laughing so hard I'm crying... tell the boys hi for me!

marilyn bontrager said...

What a intelligent vocabulary you are teaching those lit'le ur'chins!! Makes me lonesome!! Hey by the way... when can we have Christmas with the Miller fam?

StuckeyBlog said...

They are hilarious!