Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kendall’s Hometown

The other night we attended a school picnic with Eli. I was happy to see how many people I recognized. After 3 months of pushing myself to get involved, I have met quite a few new people. And I recognize a lot of people from around town. I know that they're so and so's mom or I see them walking pushing a stroller a lot or they own a local business. Kendall struck up a conversation with a woman that I only knew as "Elise's mom" because I've seen her walking around town with her children and I knew her daughter from Bible School. I was surprised that he knew her. Turns out she had gone to the same school he did. I asked him how many people he recognized at the picnic.

"Not many," he said. "Maybe a fourth of them."

Well, if you ask me, that's a lot!

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