Friday, October 10, 2008


I think I need to make a little clarification. I've talked about grouse in an earlier post and was corrected that the spelling should be g-r-o-s-s. Yes, looking at the photo of Eli contemplating his supper, I think that is an appropriate spelling. But while in Indiana I learned of a belief that is perhaps affecting people's perceptions of this particular meat. You see, some dear friends, whom I will not name, were asking me about grouse hunting. "What do they look like?" I was asked. I responded that they look like little chickens. "Oh!" this dear and unnamed friend said, "I thought they were rodents!" Now I understand more fully why Dear Unnamed Friend begged me so adamantly to not make her eat grouse when she visits. I promise I won't. And I just want to make clear for those of you who are not from the north that grouse are closer to chickens than rats. Not to say we won't ever try rodent meat.... Any squirrel recipes to share? I'll let you know how that turns out.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Yeah, yeah, it was me, everybody.