Monday, October 20, 2008

A Couple Cute Reports

When I was little I learned a knock-knock joke from my mom:


Who's there?


Duane who?

Duane the bathtub, I'm dwowning!

Well, Eli enjoys a good joke. But I'm not sure he really gets a good joke. He'll laugh, but maybe just at the silliness. So the other day he told me the following knock-knock joke:


Who's there?


Duane who?

I'm in the bathtub! I'm drowning! Help me!

My other cute report has to do with Evan. For the second time he went to babysitting during my water aerobics without crying. I praised him a lot. I talked about the possibility of him going to another babysitter without Eli. He said that he would go and not cry. So I said, "Man, you're getting brave!" In an emotionless voice he answered me, "I'm freaking out."


Nathalie said...

Those are two great guys who produce the funniest stories ever. I love Evan's response and I'm sure I'll soon be annoying all my friends by telling these new stories about my hilarious nephews. Miss you guys!

Jen Bontrager said...

Now Jesse keeps saying,"I'm freaking out!" He also picked up Evan's line that he tried to use on Grandma Gloria when he wanted a prize for not yelling the night before- "That was last week, Grandma!"
My kids also love the Duane knock-knock joke. Jesse told it to me about 5 times in a row the other day. I don't think he really gets it, he just liked that I kept laughing at him.

StuckeyBlog said...

Adorable! I laughed out loud. :)

Jodi said...

Oh, the knock-knock jokes. Duane will love how your family is honoring him in all aspects of your lives. Here's a new one to introduce to "change things up a bit", but still utilizing my favorite man's name.
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Duey who?
Do we ever miss you guys or what!