Monday, October 27, 2008

The Joy of Diarrhea

Eli has diarrhea. (If you don't like gross stories, stop reading. I like gross stories, so I'll keep writing.) I won't go into detail about his little accident- we'll just fast-forward to where he's sitting on the toilet. I'm thinking, "Poor guy. He has diarrhea. His stomach must hurt."

And Eli? He's sitting on the toilet watching the show through his legs and laughing hysterically while exclaiming, "It's like pee! My poop is coming out like pee!" Evan came and joined the occasion for rejoicing. So Eli excitedly filled him in on the entertaining new discovery.


1 comment:

Twila said...

How funny is that!!at least this was more fun then thinking about if his tummy hurting'BOY'S is right. yea for the attitude about the snow. and the fun time walking on the old stomping grounds. enjoy the moments!
Mom H.