Thursday, July 24, 2008

Okay, I Admit It's Really Beautiful Here

My life in Red Lake, like life anywhere, is having its ups and downs. But I am loving our setting and everything that goes with it. Today is rainy, but, in general, the weather has gotten much warmer and sunnier. It is absolutely beautiful. We've gone to the beach quite a bit. Even though we are looking forward to having good friends, being new here means we have fewer friend, job, and church commitments. So we have lots of free time. In the evenings we will do things like go out on the boat fishing or go exploring in the bush.

The other night after picking some strawberries on a walk, I had a sudden realization: "It makes me sad to think of not being able to do this every summer." I voiced that revelation to Kendall. He rejoiced, of course. I told him to just wait until winter.

1 comment:

Dave Gloria said...

Vale la Pena! There's no other place like it. Dave