Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So today hasn't been the best ever. After two weeks here, some of the excitement is wearing off and I'm probably feeling more of the lack of comfortable connections. It has been chilly and pretty rainy. Seriously, some days I've been walking around my house with long-johns under my jeans and a heavy sweatshirt on. Yes, in July. I wasn't prepared for that. According to, Red Lake's highs and lows since we've been here have been 81 and 43. So, there have been some warm days. The average temp for right now is 75 and it has mostly been below that. And somehow, our house stays especially chilly. So sunshine is much more precious than I expected.

This morning I woke up feeling crappy even though I could see the sky from my bed and it was bright blue. Before I ever got out of bed I decided that I would take the boys to the beach for a little bit this morning. I was craving just sitting in the warm sunshine. I took care of a few chores before we left and by the time we were driving out the lane, the sky was gray. I was ticked. I said outloud, "Crap. The sun's not shining." From the back seat my eldest angel piped up, "Don't worry, you can still have lots of fun playing with us. You love us more than the sun maybe." That's right. I assured him that I loved them way, way, way more than the sun. I told him I could live without the sun, but it would be horrible to live without him. So, even though I was still deeply disappointed, we went to the beach and I sat there in the cold breeze watching the boys play in the water. They were half-frozen, but they weren't the only kids in there. Apparently, you take any bit of summer you can get up here.


Angie said...

I love your blog- it reminds me that everyone has those cloudy days (probably even in New Zealand, even though in all the movies it appears to be the perfect lush, green, sunny spot to live and one of my current dream vacation spots).

StuckeyBlog said...

I love your blog too! It's fun to see what is going on. I've had feelings/days like that recently - just from coming back to Wichita after a visit - much less change than you all have had. It's hard -I'm glad talking to Rod helped. :)

Velma Swartz said...

I love Eli's response. It takes little ones to keep us grounded sometimes. Hope your day goes better tomorrow.

Jen Bontrager said...

Yesterday when Isaac came out of his room he said, "I was sad in my bed because I want Eli." Maybe you could email everyone your snail mail address so we could send you some sun.

Karissa said...

i´ve also loved reading your blog although it makes me miss all of you guys even more! im looking forward to hearing more smart comments from eli and evan when we come visit really soon! love and miss you all!