Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Bit of Kendall's History

Friday night we went to the Norseman Festival for Family Night. At one amusing point in the evening I sat beside Kendall as two women argued over him. We were sitting and chatting with one when another one walked up and whacked him.
Woman 1: Don't hit my friend!
Woman 2: He's my friend too!
Woman 1: I knew him since he was a little boy!
Woman 2: So did I!
Woman 1: He was friends with my son!
Woman 2: He was my neighbor!
Then Woman 1 laughed about how they were fighting over him while I sat right there. Fun to be in a place where Kendall has history. He's even been cussed out a time or two by Woman 1 when would call for his friend and she'd answer the phone drunk. Sounds like an interesting history, huh?


marilyn bontrager said...

I love it Karen : -)
Didn't know you landed such a handsome prince... now did ya!!

Twila said...

Mom H. wonders who the women were? was one Charlene Kurahura? who was the other?

Glenda said...

ok, I'm wondering the same thing. as in, who was Kendal's neighbour?

Ok, I know this is coming like a year later, but I'm just now reading about your life and thoroughly enjoying your writing style/sense of humour!