Monday, July 21, 2008

Different Doorknobs

Eli decided that it would be funny to lock his door and close it behind him, locking Evan inside. These doorknobs are different than what the boys are used to. I couldn’t explain to Evan how to unlock the door. Evan tried half-heartedly, saying, “Can’t!” Finally he threw something at the door, which didn’t impress me, but greatly impressed his brother. I had a little talk with Eli, who didn’t quite see the gravity of the situation. So I told him, “Okay. You go talk to Evan and tell him how to get out of there.” So Eli walked over to the door and yelled, “Throw something else at the door!” As I walked away, I muttered, “Great.” Kendall told Eli, “That’s not what Mom told you to do.” Eli replied, “She said, ‘Great!’” So Kendall took his turn at trying to talk Evan out of his room. Eli was helpful and pushed his toy gun under the door to entertain Evan while he waited. Finally, in a rather anticlimactic moment, Evan unlocked his door. That’s all.


Jen Bontrager said...

That's hilarious! I mean, how frustrating!

Angie said...

You are a wonderful storyteller! I have laughed out loud several times while reading your blog.

Twila said...

We're home,thanks for the good time,praying your enjoying your peace and quitness! love ya
Mom H

Nathalie said...

Awesome. Love the anticlimactic finish.

Karissa said...

reading your blog has turned me into that annoying person at the cyber cafe who laughs out loud to themselves. one more thing to add to the number of ways i stand out...

marilyn bontrager said...

Karen and Kendall........ we all love veiwing your beautiful scenic photographs... your wonderful stories have made us laugh out loud many times... as the entire Bontrager clan reads your entries and catch a glimpse of Northern paradise!

Jodi said...

I unfortunately do not have the privilege of laughing out loud when I read your stories, as I find myself in the quiet library in Middlebury. So, instead, I just smile, really, really big. Then people just think I'm creepy, when I accidentally make eye contact with them.