Friday, July 25, 2008

Eli Helps

Today after lunch I told Eli that he could watch a movie when I finished washing dishes. He laid on the couch for awhile asking too often how long until I was done. Finally, he had a brainstorm. He said, "I know what can make it go faster! I'll help you!" Now, I try to make a habit of having him help me with dishes, but, quite honestly, it goes so much faster when I do it alone. I was tired and just wanted to get the dishes washed. But how could I turn down such a gracious offer? Even if it did have some sweetly selfish motives? So Eli pulled up a chair and started rinsing. We stood there at the sink working together and then Eli, so innocent and childlike, said, "I knew you were wanting me to come help you." Not exactly how I would have explained the situation, but I definitely wanted him there with me after such sweetness!


Jodi said...

Did all the dishes make it to the drainer in one piece? Just curious...

Dave Gloria said...

Way to go, Eli! Grandma

Twila said...

Good job Eli,and Karen,