Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Fish poop spicy!" -Evan

At our first visit to the beach Evan and Eli decided that the lake water would be as fun to drink as bathwater. Here’s how the ensuing conversation went…

Karen: Gross! Don’t drink the water!

Kendall: It’s fine.

Karen: That’s disgusting! Fish pee and poop in there.

Kendall (to the boys): It’s fine to drink.

Karen (to the boys): If you like to drink fish pee and poop.

Kendall: It’s fine. (Then, as a bird flies over...) That seagull just pooped in the water.

Karen: You’re drinking fish pee!

Eli and Evan: Slurp! Slurp!

A few moments later…
Evan (as he finishes off a big gulp): Fish poop spicy!

As a note for those of you who are worried about the kids’ digestive systems… Apparently, Kendall grew up drinking lake water while camping. It really does seem to be fine unless you get something the locals call “beaver fever,” which comes from drinking water tainted with beaver pee. Seriously. (Kendall notes that this happens in small streams when it’s not diluted enough.) Hmmm....


Nathalie said...

Utterly hilarious. I love it.

Matt said...

That's a great story. I really enjoyed the seagull part.

The Hochstedlers said...

Very FUNNY KAREN!!!! I laughed so hard... right there with you girl!!!

Jodi said...

I'm just wondering if one of the symptoms of Beaver Fever is buck teeth? Or cravings for wood?
Just so you know, "Fish poop spicy" and "Beaver Fever" have become seriously-used phrases in the Miller household.