Friday, March 23, 2012

A Weekend Adventure- Part 1

Unfortunately, Delton ended up with a serious infection in his leg while we were there. The kids barely noticed since they were having so much fun with their cousins. We were fine too, as we still found ways to take little excursions each day. But we felt really bad for Delton and Fernie. Delton was basically immobilized, obeying doctor’s (and 2 nurses’) orders and for awhile we even thought he might need to be admitted to the hospital. So all the wonderful activities they had planned for us needed to be rearranged and they didn’t get to do near as much as they were hoping. 
We were planning to go to Fernie’s parents’ farm in the country for a couple days. That was one beloved plan that needed to be given up. Delton was ordered bed rest by that time, so Kendall and I decided to venture out with the boys for the weekend. We headed to Ihlabela, a small island off the coast.

1 comment:

Kirst said...

beautiful surroundings!