Friday, March 2, 2012

Learning the Art of Sewing

Here I am being a very domestic seamstress. My peace-loving children sit nearby watching me sew, learning the art.  It's such a beautiful picture of our life together.
Of course, if there were audio with this photo, you would soon realize the truth.  These two peace-loving wonderful children have emptied the sewing box and set up a war zone.  The spools of thread are the warriors.  The battle is fierce.  You would hear things like "You shall now die!"  "Attack!"  "Here's my light saver!"  (Mom: "It's a light saber.")  "Here comes the calvary!"  (Mom:  "It's cavalry.")  Don't ask me why I bother to perfect their battle vocabulary.  I should just let them talk about Savers and Calvary.  Maybe it would help.


Arthur said...

Hahaha! It's been awhile since I was here! I've read lots and I've laughed and smiled. I love your kids! And you, of course. =) HOpe that sewing thing goes well for you. Maybe you could use your new skills to make some battle outfits for your peace loving soldiers. You know, sheathes for their light savours and such things. =) ~Iris

Renita said...

Yes, as you know ANYTHING can be turned into a fighting battle of some sort. Anything. I love it. Now let's just see how the little girl will fair next to these 2.

Dave Gloria said...

I was just thinking about Eli's comment about possibly being too violent for a girl in the family.