Friday, March 23, 2012

Kid's Club at ABBA

On Thursday afternoon, we got to experience one part of ABBA, the organization Delton works for. This ministry works with street children. There are so many in Sao Paulo. We went to a Kid’s Club in a slum area of the city. The kid’s club is a prevention program, working to keep kids who are still in their homes off the street.

We got a tour of their facility and then participated in a craft with the kids.  The boys were nervous, but they did great.  Evan and I sat with one group of kids while they taught us how to do the complicated beading.  Evan was very serious and quiet.  Finally, one of the kids commented, “He doesn’t laugh.”  I asked Evan to show them a smile and he really tried, but it didn’t look so natural. J  I was able to communicate to some degree with the kids.  They liked Evan’s name and thought it was cool that he plays piano.  They also wanted to discuss Justin Bieber and any Michael Jackson songs I might know.

I’m so glad we had the opportunity to visit ABBA with Eli and Evan.  I only wish we could have gone back another time or two.  I don’t think it would have taken much longer for them to loosen up in spite of the language barriers.


LaRonda said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip and great cultural experience. It was fun to read.

Kirst said...

thats so cool that you had this experience with your boys!