Sunday, October 4, 2009


Well, our belated summer has come to an abrupt end. Yes, the "summer" (what I consider traditional summer months) was freezing and rainy. But somewhere mid-August everything changed. It was warm, yea even hot, all the way through September! That is a rarity up here in the boreal forest of the Canadian Shield. It was awesome!

Then we skipped the cool fall and went straight to cold. In the matter of a few days. It was weird.

So we'll just say the summer wasn't ideal for gardening. However, I did plant a garden back in June, right on schedule. And we were eating some produce from it. But with this sudden switch, I decided that it was time to bring in all the vegetables. Our produce has its challenges, but we love it so much.
Some very tiny ears of corn, approximately 15 all together; several tiny eggplant; plenty of cucumbers and zucchini; lots of red beets; a few kohlrabi; 2 jalapeno peppers; 2 1/2 bell peppers. We also planted A LOT of potatoes. My first time. We had so much fun digging them up and finding the red treasures in the dirt.

Sadly, this is our bumper tomato crop. As you can see, there is one orange tomato. We've eaten one ripe tomato and there is one rotting on the ground. That's it for the large tomatoes. We've gotten close to 10 ripe cherry tomatoes. Green tomato recipes anyone?

Here's a cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi and two aliens.

Eli enjoying the dwarf corn.

Like they always say, "When life hands you unripe tomatoes, make a centerpiece."
(Should I be wrapping these in newspaper or something to help them ripen?)


Jen Bontrager said...

Jodi would be proud of your centerpiece. Looks like you guys had fun even though the garden wasn't as successful as you would have liked!

Anonymous said...

What's in the vase? And yes you can try wrapping the tomatoes in newspaper. I tryed it once and I actually had some tomatoes turn red! Good luck and I enjoyed hearing about your garden. Sorry it didn't do as well as you would have liked it to. Didn't know you like kolrabi too? That is so cool, it seems everytime I mention it to someone they never had it or don't know what it is.

karen said...

The vase contains Chinese lanterns. They're actually an outside plant, but I have cuttings in water waiting for them to root. I don't actually know what I'm doing with them- I'm just following other people's instructions.