Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lively Conversation

I have to include a very brief video of the dessert conversation at the birthday party. It doesn't even begin to capture the snakes, snails and puppy dog tails. Except this loud and "hilarious" conversation consisted more of poop, pee and ear wax. (I'm not kidding.)

You'll have to use your imagination. The boys were all talking at once, cracking themselves and each other up, and in the hubbub, I was able to make out the words "pee," "poop" and "ear wax."

Oh help us all.

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Looks like a neat birthday party that your threw for those dear boys of yours. Great job on the cake!

Happy Thanksgiving! My word verification is "cooks." Speaking of which, I should go get started. Company coming for a feast this afternoon. Join us?