Sunday, October 11, 2009

Birthday Party

8 boys = Happy chaos, a few tears and gross conversation

Kendall and I made a hockey version of Pin the Tail On the Donkey. It's Get the Puck in the Goal.

Pepperoni pizza, of course.

This is the pinata. If you look closely, you can see the candy flying as the pinata breaks apart.

The boys had fun tearing down the streamers after the party with their new swords. (The mom of gift giver consulted me ahead of time. I okayed the swords because they are foam and it's a losing battle I'm fighting. See? I even have to use violent language to talk about my dislike for weapons.)


Jen Bontrager said...

What happened to blindfolding the person hitting the pinata? Nice work on the cake and the party.

Jodi said...

Two thumbs up from one mommy to another. Awesome idea for the birthday cake. I am wondering...what IS IT with boys and swords, Jen and Karen?!