Sunday, August 10, 2008

Camping again

We went camping again this weekend. It was a bit of a last-minute decision to make the most of the precious nice weather. We only went for one night because Kendall had agreed to teach Sunday School. It was good we did because it didn't go quite as well as last weekend. For one thing, Mom and Dad were grouchy. I wish I could come up with a good reason for this condition, but I can't. Secondly, we did not sleep well at all. For as hot as we got during the day, it was freezing at night! We started out the weekend tired and not sleeping well didn't help. For the last few hours Evan was zipped into my sleeping bag with me and we were squished.
The most exciting part of the whole time was when Eli ate a tadpole. I heard him go over to Kendall, who was tending the fire, and say, "I just had an idea! I could catch tadpoles for us to eat!" (He was serious.) Kendall said, "Okay, you eat the first one, then I will." (He was not serious.) Next thing I knew, Eli was standing in the water with a freshly-caught tadpole. He stuck it in his mouth and swallowed! I could not believe it. That is not like him at all! We all laughed and gagged simultaneously. Then Kendall, being a good dad who keeps his word, took a tadpole that Eli caught for him and popped it into his mouth too! That is not like him either! He said he felt the feet on his lips! Eww! I am so glad I'm a girl! (Although, I think I would usually be more likely to do something like that than my husband.) Well, Evan and I were not convinced to follow suit. We were happily grossed out just watching.
The best part of the weekend for me came when we were mostly packed up. We were supposedly going to go swimming, but swimming in the same water that we catch fish out of kind of psyches me out. So I floated around on my air mat, careful to keep all appendages out of the water, while the boys caught a ride on a giant turtle. It was a bit of a surreal experience for me as I floated a little ways from shore. The lake looks a lot different from eye level. It was a beautiful sunny day with a bright blue sky and green trees reflecting on the water. I could hear the boys laughing and playing close to shore. We had the bay to ourselves and their voices were echoing in our solitude. I can't really explain it, so people will just need to come up here and experience it for themselves.
We left sunburned but really happy (after nearly 24 hours of trying to just act happy). Evan was the one singing away on this boat ride back- for about 5 minutes until he fell asleep.
Saturday night we cleaned up and Kendall finally ran for some food (Subway and poutine) for a late supper.


ribbit98 said...

Karen, I am terribly impressed and blessed by what a great, Northern bushwoman you are becoming so quickly! I don't even make pizza over a campfire yet!

Twila said...

Hi there, just got home and what fun to go to this blog and see whats happening in RL looks and sounds like so much fun, the pizza looks delicious, glad the day ended happy!! get the blueberries ready we're coming soon. love Mom H.

J said...

Kendall, you're my "dad" hero. If only I can be as good a father for my son as you are for yours (and for my daughters; that tadpole routine sounds like something Lydia might do!). J

Jen Bontrager said...

Karen, I was reading about your lake adventures and took that literally at first-"the boys were catching a ride on a turtle" until I scrolled down to see the pictures! Who knows what adventure will come next?
-Jodi, at Jen's computer