Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Valentine's Ode to my Invincible Bushman

Following are some of my favorite images of my bushman husband. Some I have personally witnessed, others I’ve only heard stories about or seen photos of, and others I clearly picture in my minds eye.

Springtime sucker fishing in cold, deep water. Wading around with friends, grabbing fish out of the water with bare hands. Having a sucker fish fight with his friends.

Kendall as a boy, arguing with Keith over how to best build a fire.

Snowshoeing late at night with his family as the wolves howled nearby.

Coming in from the snowy outdoors, chilled to the bone, and sitting in front of his fireplace to thaw out.

Stepping inside his house and, rather than taking off his wet boots, using the loose rug to slide through the kitchen.

Expertly pulling his snowmobile out of the slush or his 4-wheeler out of the mud.

Using his skills at filleting and frying fish.

Helping me get all my snow gear in place.

Now, helping the boys get all their snow gear in place.

Practicing and mastering fire-building skills. Later, teaching me and the boys the ins and outs of building a good fire.

Expertly steering his canoe through rapids.

Taking off his mitts, like a weathered old man, to better use his hands in the extreme cold.

Sitting in the canoe with me. It was late on a summer night, the sky was still slightly pink. Everything was quiet except for the unfamiliar noises that my ears didn’t immediately pick up. Kendall explained to me the flapping of the grouse’s wings that we heard on shore. The loons were calling.

I love the image of Kendall as a boy- outdoors and feeling so confident and at home.

I see how this land is so deeply ingrained in Kendall. It really is a part of who he is. Watching the ease and confidence with which he handles himself outdoors is one of the things that draws me to him.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Twila said...

Awe, He found himself a good bushwomen also, Hope your weekend is fun.
Mom H.

Nathalie said...

Those are really beautiful sentiments.


Dave & Gloria said...

The joy come through in those pictures. Dave

Dave & Gloria said...

Are you trying to tell us you are planning to live there the rest of your lives? HA! Gloria