Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Little Solomon

I just got back from my first soup kitchen lunch. I mostly enjoyed it. But the boys were ROWDY. I was very frustrated with them. When we got back, I had a talk with Eli. We talked about being obedient and how their rowdiness and not listening to me or Kendra or Henry affects people. Eli was resolving to do better next week. He commented that he was smart.

"Yes," I agreed, "You are smart and you need to use it for good things. You need to be wise- "

I was going to go on about how he should be wise about obeying, but he cut me off: "I wanna be rich. I like being rich better."

I don't even know how to comment on that one... That pretty much ended the conversation about obedience and wisdom.

1 comment:

Twila said...

It will go better. could Eli help with something,that would make him feel helpful?