Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'll Just Let the Photo Speak for Itself

This is a photo of my scary husband approximately 6 months ago. He had it on facebook for awhile. One of Kendall's facebook friends is a guy he grew up with in Red Lake. Buster was one of the 3 amigos, including Kendall and Keith. He is now a cop in Pikangikum, the reserve he is originally from. I just want to quote for you a bit of an online conversation between Kendall and Buster regarding this photo.

Buster: u look like someone i threw in the bucket awhile back

Kendall: Ha, i'm clean now. If I come up to visit you have to promise to leave me alone. :)

Buster: LOL, handle bar mustache, u look mean. When do you think of coming, this winter? Winter road. We'll have a moose dinner roast when u get, let me now

So, looks like we might have some interesting travelling coming up this winter. And for those of you that don't know- winter road means a road across the frozen lakes. When the lakes aren't frozen, you fly to Pikangikum or take a long boat ride. It's much easier in the winter.


Jen Bontrager said...

Please don't let that man near my children.

Twila said...

Funny, thanks for the facebook conversation. Sounds like a fun trip,you'll love the moose meat meal.
Mom H

Jen Bontrager said...

Kendall, this looks like your mug shot. Is there something you aren't sharing with us?