Wednesday, October 10, 2012

9 Years Old!

Sunday was Eli's 9th birthday.  Crazy!  How has this happened?!

Here he starts the day out right: baked oatmeal and a liter of Dr. Pepper.

Lunchtime and the Dr. Pepper's still goin'!  He chose hot wings, cesar salad and poutine.  (Kendall deep-fried everything in his propane fryer.  Once again- delicious!  Why don't we deep-fry everything?!)

And even after the Dr. Pepper was all gone, the bottle stayed around.  It became a water bottle because what's cooler than drinking out of a huge pop bottle while listening to Toby Mac on your new discman!  (It's true- Eli got a discman for his birthday.  That was just an accessory for the new CD we gave him.  I feel a little bit bad about the discman, but Eli totally loves it.  And now that I think about it, it is kind of nice to not have Toby Mac blaring at all times.)

We watched a movie in the evening.  Isn't Miss Lydia such a cutie?  Notice her shirt from Aunt Karissa.  Kendall got her dressed before church and wanted her to wear a moose in honor of opening weekend for moose hunting.
And finally, a giggly gift-opening session:


Jodi said...

Man! Poutine and Dr. Pepper! All in one day. I hope you brushed your teeth, Eli! Happy Birthday! Enjoy your last year of being a single digit. :)
And Karen? Cute hair cut!!

LaRonda said...

Happy Birthday Eli! Lydia is absolutely adorable, but I think her mama's hair cut is super cute.