Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So the Winter Storm Warning proved true.  We got lots of snow.  Lots of heavy snow.  Heavy enough that trees fell over and power lines were affected.  The power lines were affected enough that we lost hydro.  (That's what we call electricity up in these parts.)  We were without hydro for 27 hours.

That's a long time when it's cold.

Thankfully, we have a wood stove.  It's small, but it kept the house from getting too cold.  It also gave us a place to heat up soup and water for too many cups of hot chocolate.

The power went out Thursday afternoon, which made for an exciting last hour of school.  Kendall was at the hospital until 9:00, so the kids and I entertained ourselves downstairs by the woodstove.  I am assuming there was no school on Friday, since I couldn't actually check my email or listen to the radio.  At any rate, the boys didn't go.  On Friday a friend came over to commiserate and warm herself by our fire.  We had no water, so we had piles of dishes on the counter and some smelly toilets.  Yucky.

Thursday evening downstairs.

Preparing for a snowball fight.

All of Red Lake and the surrounding communities were without hydro.  I was sad that my husband's job didn't shut down like so many others.  But, it sounds like he was very needed at the hospital.  They, of course, kept going by generators.  People on home oxygen stayed at the hospital to continue with the oxygen.  There were already lots of patients and more weather-related accidents came in.
I can't say I was happy about the snow.  But Eli said, "I think I know why we lost power on Thanksgiving. (Thanksgiving was Monday.)  It was to see if we'd be thankful for the old way of doing things."  So that helped me to keep my complaining in check.

1 comment:

Twila said...

That looks oh so much nicer then our rain and gray sky the last couple days! Love Eli's thankful comment. Lydia looks like shes going to like winter!