Monday, October 22, 2012

My Superhero, Poop and Scalpels

Dawn's first light this morning revealed an incredibly handsome specimen of a man shirtless in our backyard.  I would have taken a photo, but I am not sure the studmuffin would have appreciated it.

You see, he was being my superhero and saving the day, but in order to do that, he was reaching into a pit of poop.  Literally.

He took off his shirt so that it wouldn't get dirty and reached into the septic tank to pull out the clogged filter.  I felt very bad for him.  And very grateful.  I had asked him if he wanted my help.  He offered me $200 to do it, but then retracted his offer and said he wouldn't let me do it.  (My offer to help was a mere formality, so that was a close call.)

Anyway, Kendall saved the day.  The basement has an aroma of poop now, though, so that has us concerned.  But my parents are getting here today and tomorrow morning Kendall and I are leaving for 2 days, so I guess any new sewage issues won't be our problem.  (Just kidding, Dad.)

Speaking of poop, what is it with boys and poop?!  The other night after bedtime, Eli and Evan were in their room giggling and giggling.  Finally, Evan ran out to the living room and threw a whole bunch of folded papers at us and said, "Look what Eli did!" and ran back to his room before he could get in trouble.  We unfolded all the papers to see drawing after drawing of poop.  I just don't get it.

Also, speaking of Kendall and me leaving for a couple days, I should give an update on something that's been going on with my eye.  I have had a weird bump on my lower eyelid for a couple years.  Finally, a month ago it was diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer.  Basal cell carcinoma is not as scary as the word "cancer."  I am having the lump removed on Wednesday in Winnipeg.  After that, it should be taken care of.  No further treatment should be needed.

The major part of this surgery for me is the reconstruction involved.  It doesn't sound pretty and there is a possibility of having my eye stitched closed for 2 months.  So we'll see what happens.  Maybe I'll be a pirate for Halloween.  And U.S. Thanksgiving.  And Advent.

At first after I got the diagnosis and information about removal and reconstruction, I was angry.  Why my eye?  I kind of like my face the way it is.  But since then, I've mostly been grateful.  I'm so grateful that it doesn't appear to be life-threatening.  I'm so thankful that treatment will not involve things like radiation or chemo.  And I'm so thankful that it will probably be done with in a short time.

Anyway, I would appreciate prayers on Wednesday morning.  I would love if it would be a simpler reconstruction and my eye wouldn't be stitched closed.  And I would love to not feel too anxious about the procedure.  (Needles!  Scalpels!  Awake!)

Thanks!  And Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Well now there's a few words I've never thought could be found in the same paragraph...or even line of thought! But once again, you've found a way. With the help of your 3 musketeers. From one mom to another- there are definitely worse things to be drawing than poop. So thank goodness for that.
On a different note, you've been in my thoughts all day! I prayed your surgery went super smoothly. Love you!