Thursday, October 7, 2010


Eli is really into smells. If he finds something new, it's not uncommon for him to put it to his nose and sniff. He'll tell me something smells like So-and-so's house (often someone from faraway Indiana) or that it smells like Iowa outside. One day he brought home a card he made at school. He seemed especially fond of it because it smelled like Isaac's house. One day he walked into a freshly-painted room. He walked right up to the wall and took an up-close sniff. One of my favorite descriptions of the way it smelled on the way to school one day was "like an open coconut." Interesting. We'll have to see how this develops.

1 comment:

Jen Bontrager said...

Hmm. I wonder how my house smells. Probably like bacon grease. :)