Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Battle Cry

Following is Evan's battle cry as he prepared for a showdown with his brother. To help you set the scene, I'll tell you that he was shirtless (unless a super hero cape counts). The battle was delayed because Evan had to go poop. Here is what he cried a split-second before flying out of the bathroom to meet his adversary:

"Prepare to see your eyes amazed!"


Dave & Gloria said...

Yeah... and I'm REALLY wondering just what his older brother's response was to that!? A Curious Grandma

Nathalie said...

I would love to have been there to see my eyes amazed!

The pictures of the remodeling look great. Hope the bedrock removal goes well. Looking forward to seeing it for myself in a week!


Renita said...

Oh I worry about you not having any girls and being surrounded by these boys and man, Karen. Dear me. Love seeing all the construction. Be sure to do the before and after photos. I love seeing that stuff.