Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evan's Turn

Last week it was Evan’s turn to start school. He was so excited to go to school and didn’t seem to have anything negative to say about going. He was very proud with his backpack that was nearly as big as him. All four of us walked to school Wednesday morning. We sent Eli off to his class and took Evan into his classroom. He changed his shoes. (A separate pair of indoor shoes is required. Canadian etiquette, you know.) Then it was time to go sit down in circle time. He held onto my hand and wanted me to go with him. So I took him and got him settled next to a little boy he already knew. After I walked away, he never once looked back at us.

We stood in the doorway behind him and watched him for awhile. His buddy beside him kept reaching over and patting his back, playing with his hair, etc, etc. Evan hardly seemed to notice. Good thing he has a brother and is used to so much physical contact or he would have been quite distracted. :)

Evan has only gone once since that day. They do something called “gradual entry” here for the little guys. He will start going every Monday and Wednesday by the end of this month. He is still very excited about school, which, of course, makes Mom happy.

I have a feeling that he is going to very quickly seem much older…


LaRonda said...

Wow...he looks so old. I can't imagine Kyrell going to school. How the time flies!

Dave & Gloria said...

Right on, Karen, "much older very quickly" is right! Evan looks older already, just packin' that sack! Wow, it just kind of goes through me, how fast these guys are growing up! Love, Mom

Twila said...

Right on Gloria,it just went through me too,So happy he likes it though.
Mom H.

Kirst said...

i agree that they both look older!! thats so cute that the other little boy was "welcoming" evan. :)