Monday, September 21, 2009


"Aggravation" the hot new game in this house. You know, the game with the marbles. And I don't like it. I actually do feel aggravated when we play it.

The boys want to keep playing the game to its finish, but their attention spans do not match their enthusiasm. So they end up rolling around on the floor between turns. Then they're still rolling when I aggravatedly tell them to take their turn. Then I tell them that if they keep rolling around not paying attention to the game, I will put it away. They sit up for another round or two, then they forget and are back to rolling around on the floor.

Then I think, "What's my big deal? Why am I so aggravated? So what if it takes 3 1/2 hours to play one little game?" So I don't actually put the game away and just sit there really feeling the aggravation.

But tonight I put the game away, out of their sight. They still remembered it when I asked them if they wanted to play a game before bed. But I gave them a flat-out NO.

We need to have a garage sale. A secret garage sale when the boys are at school.

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