This was me last night. I'm rusty with this baby thing. And my house is no longer baby-proof. And Kendall was at work. (Yes, the boys were the photographers.)
But anyway, I only had these two pink bundles for two nights. One is just over a year old and the other one is almost 2. I'm doing respite care for another foster mom while she's out of town.
The boys have had fun with the girls. They especially like the oldest one. Eli said, "I wish we could keep her." But the honeymoon is ending. A little while later he said, "No! We can't do this!" His concern? "They will be sleeping in my office when I want to have quiet time!" And Evan is having a hard time adjusting to the idea that babies mess things up. He can't get his car ramp all set up in the living room and expect to have it untouched. Sigh. But overall it has been a good experience. They leave tonight after supper (I'm not complaining that we don't have another bedtime to wade through).
very interesting comments from the boys eh? are they siblings?
Mom H.
thats so neat that you got to have this experience! do you have any plans for taking care of more kids or not at this point?
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