This was the boys' bedtime activity and snack. Eli really wants me to put the "recipe" on my blog. It's almost time for a bedtime story, but here it is, in Eli's words:
Need bread, food coloring and milk. If you want, you can take butter and cinnamon sugar. So, you get your piece of bread and pour milk into a container. Then you put food coloring, a paint brush, and mix it up. And then you paint the bread. You put it in the toaster. And then if you want you can put the butter and cinnamon on. And you can use the leftover milk and food coloring to drink. It actually just tastes (pronounced taste-es) like normal milk.
I remember doing this with my mom. And, unfortunately, bedtime is not always so wholesome. Last night I was absolutely, unwholesomely seething before it was all over. Hopefully we're off to a better start tonight. And now, "Don't go away kids, it's storytime!"
We'll have to try that! The colored milk reminds me of when Karissa babysat my kids and made their bedtime milk green. They wanted green milk for weeks after!
I sympathize; bedtime at this age was the only time I remember Katlyn getting "the hairbrush"; And I think my guilt matched her fury:) Call anytime you need reinforcement, at bedtime or whenever- we'll help with phone support!
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