Monday, September 21, 2009

Advice Needed

Help. My boys cut a large hole in the side of a borrowed pack 'n play. A hole big enough to crawl through. I have had time to cool down now, but I was so frustrated. (To put it mildly.) So, unless I can find a good used one (the borrowed one was well-used), we will need to be shelling out a lot of money to replace it.

I need a creative idea. Obviously, Eli and Evan won't be able to come up with $65+ to buy a new one. I want them to see the seriousness of what they did and to face the consequences. But I am lacking creativity. I love hearing other people's ideas.


Nathalie said...

Well, they both have two kidneys. . .it would more than cover the cost of the pack 'n play and you could have a nice start to the college funds.


Carolyn said...

In case you reject Nathalie's suggestion, here is a second-
Philip loved weaving with yarn
at this age; could they "darn" it with big needles and string?
Pending former owner's approval of course.

Twila said...

Oh dear,this grandma dosen't have any good advice:)maybe I could bring my old one to replace it and the boys could give some from their piggy banks? or even a cheaper new one from the states? :0