Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On the Brink

My current definition of ‘insanity’ is as follows: Being forced to listen to various renditions of We Are the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything over and over and over. And over again.

This has been going on for weeks. Weeks, I tell you! Maybe even years. I can’t remember anymore. Insanity is creeping up on me and I am on the brink.

(Oh what sweet relief! Right now I hear Eli half singing, half humming, half whining Oh Where Is My Hairbrush. Yes, you can have 3 halves in this situation. It’s excessive.)

Anyway, this pirate thing. Sometimes it’s a conscious thing- they sing the song and are oh so funny. Other times it’s unconscious- it’s just stuck in their little heads. But it gets stuck in my little head too and my head seems to shrink even smaller with the torturous repetition. Several weeks ago when the song was already getting annoying, I even assisted them by looking up the lyrics online. I was tired of hearing the same few lines over and over.

(Wow. We may be experiencing a wonderful transition at this very moment. I now hear Eli singing I Don’t Have a Belly Button, also recorded by those famous vegetables.)

And, to push me just a bit closer to the brink, the boys listened to a rendition of the pirate song sung by Alvin and the Chipmunks. We, quite unfortunately, came across that thing on youtube. I don’t recommend looking it up. It’s so not worth it.

And just so it's clear...I've never plucked a rooster and I'm not too good at ping-pong and I've never thrown my mashed potatoes up against the wall and I've never kissed a chipmunk and I've never gotten head lice and I've never been to Boston in the fall!!!


Dave & Gloria said...

It seems like there are some faint memories of "stuck in the head" tunes at a time when I still had some sanity.
I'd love to here them sing a few.(just a few) Dave

Jodi said...

Karen, maybe you should sing them our made-up song "Secret Valley" to hear a change of tune. Duane and I were just sitting in our Secret Valley last week with the kids cleaning it up a little. (I did entertain my family with both stanzas I might add.)