Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Okay, not literally a blizzard, but too stinking close. This morning Kendall tried for the second day in a row to get up early and go ice fishing. (Yesterday the Blue Weasel refused to wake up.) At 6:15 he crawled back into bed and said that there was blowing snow. When I got up, sure enough. I reluctantly admitted to myself that it was pretty.

I told Eli to look outside. His first response was, "It's raining!"

I told him that it was snow. He looked at me in shock.

"It can't snow!" He knows that it's officially spring and that it is not allowed to snow anymore.

Oh well. We were wrong and there was definitely snow and a lot of it. To look on the bright side, it is officially spring, which means that winter can't last forever. And it is pretty again. We still had lots of snow, but it was icy and dirty.

Just yesterday I was thinking about walking with Evan to pick up Eli at school. I thought I could finally use the stroller! While there was still lots of snow piled around, the sidewalks were much better than they had been. They had been covered partly by snow, partly by ice, partly by slush, partly by puddles and there were parts with the cleared concrete and asphalt. So neither the sled nor the stroller was a good option for walking with Evan.

So Eli and I walked to school. And in the afternoon I pulled Evan in the sled. It was a good workout and as fun as a blizzard in late March can be.


Twila said...

Oh no, but it was cold and windy here today too as well as the last couple days with rain, so I don't think its so beautiful here right now either. thanks for the blog though.

Jen Bontrager said...

Way to look on the bright side, Karen. I think I would have a mental breakdown if it would dare to snow here at this point.