Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bridge

Last week our generous neighbor stopped by to tell us that he and his wife were going to be out of town for a few days and could we keep an eye on their house. Oh, and here are the keys to the snowmobiles. They're all gassed up and ready to go.

So we gratefully took the snowmobiles out Monday afternoon. We took the boys back to our special spot. It's what Kendall calls "The Bridge," although there is no bridge there. For some reason it's just a special place to me. I was trying to figure it all out as we drove down the trail. It's almost 10 whole years since Kendall first took me to the bridge! Hard to believe. We took a picture of the two of us (newly engaged) that winter. Over the years since then we've visited the bridge when we've been here and taken other pictures there. The last time we were there was 3 years ago. The picture from that time has a very young Eli and Evan is quite obviously there, though not yet born.

So here we are again. Only now we're not just visiting. We're, like, Canadians or something.

1 comment:

marilyn bontrager said...

Absolutely gorgeous Canadian beauty!! marilyn