Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Blizzard

It snowed so much more today. So much more. I was thinking it was funny- you know, since spring's just around the corner anyway. But I started noticing that the real Red Lakers weren't as amused.

Turns out, spring's not actually just around the corner after all. I mean we're only at the end of March, we've still got a long ways to go. As one encouraging friend informed me today, "Winter never really ends." Sigh.

1 comment:

Karissa said...

if it makes you feel any better (not sure how... but maybe) we had a snow/ice storm last night. and kansas' redeeming factor is supposed to be the weather!! we made up for it by not even changing out of our pajamas all day. and with basketball on tonight, my chances of getting out of the house are slim to none. :) wouldnt mind having you guys join us for some warmer spring weather next week!