Friday, November 2, 2012

Eye Update and Scary Kids

I guess I should give an update on the scary eye situation.  I am happy to report that it is looking much, much better than it did.  When we took the bandage off last week, I knew that the redness and swelling wouldn’t last, but I just couldn’t see how it would ever look anywhere near normal.  It was pulled really   tight to bridge the gap that had been cut out.  Then there was a large bump of skin below that where my upper cheek had been pulled together under the gap.  That makes no sense.  Just know that it made my whole face look misshapen. 
Anyway, it has gotten better every day.  I get the stitches out next Tuesday.  Not really looking forward to that.  Especially since I overheard this one nurse say, “None of the doctors are going to want to take the stitches out.  They’ll probably have to dig.”  DIG!  Anyway, you know nurses, they just get so jaded and medically-minded that they forget that the patient doesn’t want to hear the word “dig” in conjunction with her eye.  But you would think he’d think about it when the patient is his wife!
But anyway, I’m so thankful that the eye seems to be healing well.  I just wish someone at the hospital last Wednesday would have sat me down and said, “It’s going to look awful when you take off the bandage tonight.  But it will get better.”
It's not hurting much anymore.  (Though I did like when I had a good excuse to take a nap- I just needed to close my eye and let it rest.)  I've weaned myself off of the addictive Tylenol with codeine.  (Just kidding- I'm just disappointed that it never gave me a buzz, as long as I needed the drugs anyway.)  And my kids have survived being seen in public with me.  I even showed up at their school twice in the past week.  I told them some kids at the school were being bullies and I just aimed my scary eye at them and told them to bug off!  (That was a joke, but it could come in handy sometime.)  And I wasn't a pirate or a zombie for Halloween.  I was just a Mom.

My kids were scary, though.

And this is how sweet little Evan came home from school:


Kirst said...

karen, your eye is looking so good!! that's great! and you'll have to let us know how getting the stitches removed goes.
tell that "one nurse" to watch that mouth of his when he's talking about his wife's medical procedures! ;)

Karissa said...

Your eye looks great! Glad it's healing well. Evan on the other hand has turned into the creepy looking one!

LaRonda said...

Great to have an update. You still look beautiful! If the stitches weren't there I wouldn't even be able to tell. Watch out for that crazy nurse :)

Jodi said...

I second that Karissa! I'm not quite sure why the boys would be concerned with you Coming to school with A stitch...when they are coming Home with 50.