Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go AWAY...

The snow is on it's way out!
Here's our backyard on April 10:

Going on a walk on April 17. (Doesn't Kendall's walking pose look so real?)

April 23. The boys are working on a river to drain our mud pit (a.k.a. parking lot). This is the view out the patio door.

And today! Summer is here!
Or maybe we're just desperate...
Yes, that is snow in the background.
Well, anyway, we're getting closer. The forecast tomorrow shows a high of 52. Then 60s for a couple days! We'll enjoy it!


Nathalie said...

Stop showing us how weak we are! When it's 50s around here people slog about, moaning about how cold it is and how spring will never come and how the world is ending. And by people, I might mean me.

Twila said...

What a fun place to make rivers,dams and what ever boys find to do:) love seeing them be creative. If it helps its not been 52 here for at least a week, rainy, cold, damp, and WWWINNDDDYYY! But everything is getting very GGRREENN! love it.

Kirst said...

look at those tough little men...digging a river, going without shirts when there's snow on the ground! i love it! :)

Jenni said...

Wow, those boys are really northerners to the core! And you're a very cool mom to let them do it. :-)

Dave Gloria said...

Beach weather... yeah... then it must be time for a trip to Red Lake! Good pictures, Karen! Mom