Friday, April 29, 2011

Quotes From Sir Evan Rodney

Evan is currently really into singing. He might deny this fact, but what I hear around the house proves otherwise. Here are some songs I've heard him singing recently:

"Don't doubt mine worries and your strength!"

(Dog howling.)

"Right now is the opposite. It. It. It."

"The 5th."

We put clean sheets on his bed and he was quite happy about it. Here is his exclamation: "They smell so good! They smell dirty, but they're really clean!"

And, I'll leave you with the most flattering quote of all. He sat down with his paints and a clean sheet of paper and declared to his mother, "I'm gonna paint a picture of you. In a thunderstorm. Alone."


Karissa said...

I'd love to hear those songs. And I'm sure his painting inspiration was your awesome wilderness survival skills. :)

Jodi said...

I'm still laughing over the alone in a thunderstorm painting!! What in the world? Hopefully he is not seeing into the future or anything. Stay inside the next time it rains!