Friday, April 29, 2011

Here is a project from this week. I'm so slow at getting things up on the walls. Since my usual interior decorating consultant currently lives 1004 miles away, I invited another talented friend to come rescue me.

Ta daa!
Cool, huh? Okay that's just the amazing method I used to arrange my photo collage on the wall. I laid all my newly spray-painted frames on the floor in the arrangement I wanted them. Then I traced each frame and cut out a paper that size. Then I marked on each paper where the nail would go for that particular frame. Then I stuck them to the wall. Then I hammered a nail through my mark on the paper. Then I tore the paper off and hung my picture. (I'd love to take credit for that innovative idea, but I found it on the internet and most likely it's old hat for you interior design consultants.)

And then, Ta daa!

Here is my Easter centerpiece.

I really like pussy willow right now. There is very little green out there, but there are pussy willows and they also mean spring. So, if you look closely, you can find 3 places I've stashed pussy willows in this photo.


LaRonda said...

Love the way you got your pictures up. I am working on a photo wall and this will make things much easier. I know Tim will appreciate it :) Your place is looking great. I wish I could come sit and enjoy it with you.

Jodi said...

I need a close up of that cool thing on the wall back there... the arrangement of three things? :) It all looks very pretty! Lovin that red.