Thursday, April 7, 2011

April Fool's Day

I guess the April Fool's joke was on me this year. I sewed the boys' socks together, but that bombed when the thread just came right out when they pulled a sock out of the drawer. The only reaction I got from that one was an annoyed, "What's this string?!" I filled their toothbrush holder with water the night before and stuck it in the freezer. The next morning they couldn't pull their toothbrushes out of the holder. But this is what I heard: "Why is all frosty?! Why is it wet!?" They just didn't get the humor of the joke. I stuffed rags in their boots so they would have trouble getting them on. Evan tried to encourage me and said, "I laughed a little bit." I put a pack of candy and a pack of dried cranberries in their lunches. (They don't like the cranberries.) But I switched the contents. When I was at the school that day, I stopped in at Evan's classroom. I asked him if he had a surprise. He said, "I don't like cranberries." I said, "I know. Did you get the candy?" He said, "What candy?" Poor guy. Turns out, after he discovered the mean joke in his candy pack, he never even bothered looking in the cranberry pack! But I think I made up for the bombed jokes with supper. I told Eli and Evan that the April Fool's part of supper was that we would eat dessert first. Then I served them cupcakes. For dessert, we had our main course of spaghetti. Can you figure out what they were really eating?
The cupcake is a mini meatloaf with green mashed potato icing. The spagetti is frosting squirted out of a cake decorator, straberry jam, and no-bakes.

P.S. I wanted to put Orajel on Kendall's chapstick, but I had mercy on him. He was going out ice fishing for the day and I didn't want him to think something was really wrong with him and come all the way back in. (A couple days later, I did hear about someone who put Anebesol on their husband's toothbrush and he thought he was having a stroke!)


Jen Bontrager said...

I'm laughing. Just thought you'd want to know. You are very creative indeed. I was happy to be on the road on April Fool's Day and I didn't even think about it. It was my mom's birthday, that's what was special for me. I'm not good at playing jokes.

Kirst said...

i love your creativity in April Fool's Day jokes! i hope to see the stories continued on here in april next year! :)