Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sandy Lake

I had a good time with Glenda in Sandy Lake yesterday. It was fun to fly in and see everything below. I've only flown in a small plane one time when we were up here visiting. I guess I've flown in small planes lots of times- they're just all before I remember! In fact, that was when Mom and Dad first figured out that I got motion sickness- Their little toddler just threw up all of the sudden while flying over this same land! The flight in was very smooth. Merle pointed out several reserves to me, including Deer Lake, where I spent the second year of my life, but haven't seen since. Here's Sandy Lake:

The flight home was a bit choppier. We dipped and dropped a couple times, but I just looked up at Henry and he kept calmly reading his book, so I assumed we were fine. The clouds were lower, so we flew lower to stay below them.

It was nice to see Glenda and a bit of her life in Sandy Lake. It's so strange to me that a place so close can be like a different world. It was good to get out and see a different life.

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