Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tired Arms

I'm learning 2 new skills and they make my arms tired. I worked on both of them today.

Ice skating and knitting.

Both make my arms tired. I wouldn't have known that either of them were such a good upper body workout until I tried them. But when you're as tense as I am while participating in these activities, your arms get tired.

Yes! I'm gonna be so buff!

By the way, I was trying some Olympic moves on the ice today. I turned in a circle. I had a bit of trouble stopping, but I did turn in a circle.

Kendall was a bit better at the Olympic moves. I asked him to skate without his hockey stick. (It seems to be a bit of a crutch for him on the ice.) He said it felt awkward to skate without the stick, but agreed to demonstrate. Then, at my urging, he skated backwards and did some fancy tricks when I begged for a pirouette. He also did some scary tricks, including skating straight at me full speed ahead. There I was, directly in his path, balancing on my ice skates. I couldn't move. (For 2 reasons: I was frozen in fear and I couldn't move.) He flew toward me then screeched to a halt a few feet from me.

Kendall was happy to get his hockey stick back after the pirouettes and triple axles. With great relief he said, "I feel like I need to take a couple slap shots after that!" and raced off toward the goal with the puck.


Dave & Gloria said...

I think Kendall should be on the Canadian Hockey team. I've seen him play already. dave

Janelle said...

I've definitely had sore arms from knitting before. I've been doing a bunch of knitting lately but I have to restrict it to every other day because of my hands and arms hurting after a while. It's totally legitimate!

Dave & Gloria said...

I love the the "picture" of Kendall skating toward you full blast... onery husband... Mom

Twila said...

I love the picture of Karen knitting so fast her arms are just flying:) Go Karen!!

Arthur said...

Hey Girl, just letting you know I was here, catching up on your life since we just say a passing "hello, goodbye" when we meet in person. =/ It was good to be at your house a bit before we left on our trip. By the way, I really like reading your blog. Your boys (all 3 of them) make me smile. =) Actually, you do, too! =) =) ~~Iris