Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I've written before about how Mr. Eli was not excited about the idea of me being in his classroom. I was slightly annoyed to find that the "being-embarrassed-of-Mom" stage was here so early.

However, it is important to me to be in his classroom while I can. If I'm not working and have no children keeping me at home, I want to spend time in his classroom. So, I arranged with Eli's teacher to go to his classroom once a week.

Well, silly Eli betrays his true feelings every time I go to his class.

"Mommy!" he has said in an excited voice when he's seen me. Or he comes over to me and sheepishly wants a little side-hug. One evening he even went so far as to say that "Centers" was one of the best parts of his day because Mommy was there. So I know his true feelings.

Not to say there's none of that "being-embarrassed-of-Mom" stuff going on. Today I was with his small group for a few minutes. I was in my stocking feet because it is Canadian etiquette to leave shoes at the door. Outdoor shoes are not supposed to be worn inside the school. Students and staff have indoor shoes, but it isn't uncommon for parents to simply leave their boots at the door.

I was sitting on the carpet and I noticed that Eli gave me a once-over. Then he suggested, "Mom, you should get indoor shoes." Poor guy. What an embarrassing Mommy.

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