Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Day

Today was Family Day in Ontario. Yes, that is a provincial-wide holiday complete with no school or postal service. So, we got together with our closest extended family- Karen, Daryl and Dominic. The boys and I have really latched onto this idea of them being our cousins. Karen is Kendall’s 2nd cousin, therefore, Dominic is the boys’ 3rd cousins. But we leave out the numbers and just say “cousins.” The boys love Daryl who tries out all kinds of WWF moves on them and Karen surprised Eli throwing him in the snow today. We had lunch together, then went out on snowmobiles.

It was hard to believe that we’re halfway through February and this was our first time out on snowmachines. But there has only been enough snow for snowmobiling for about a month and, of course, we have to find snowmobiles to borrow.

We explored an island, checking out a high spot for future use. (camping or bonfire) We're on a hill way above the lake. If you look closely, you can see the ice road far below.

With cousin Dominic.

We met some other friends at the beach. (Beautiful day for the beach, by the way.) The have a mini snowmobile, which the boys loved. I'll try to post videos sometime soon.


Twila said...

looks like a fun time, the sun looks bright, Very neat idea for the boys to have cousins there and there a fun family to do stuff with. thanks for the pictures

Twila said...

Dads trying to figure out where you were.up on the hill? he thinks cliff Harvey's cabin was close eh?

karen said...

Wow, that's pretty good, Dad. Yep, we're on Cliff Harvey's island. We could see Rahill Beach and the Cochenour mine from here. It would be fun in the summer, except that the drop to the lake would be a lot harsher without the snow. The boys would hardly be able to refrain from exploring down the rock.

Dave & Gloria said...

It looks like you might have a very hard time convincing the younger men in your family, that winter could be as much fun in Indiana, as in Canada! You can't beat having your very own snow machine to drive around the "beach" in the middle of February!!! Mom

Kirst said...

that mini snowmobile is great! you should definitely put up some videos!