Sunday, January 24, 2010

Little Pigs

Something different from Haiti news...

Evan has this thing about Eli seeing him less than fully dressed. (Never mind that they bathe together.) It's a joke to him, but he always tries to hide from Eli when his underwear is exposed.

Just now he wanted me to quickly button up his shirt. He said, "If Eli sees my little pigs, he tries to get me."

"Your what?"

"Little pigs."

"Who told you that?"

"You did."

Another misunderstanding. The other day when he was happily freaking out about Eli seeing his "boobies," I tried to explain that they're not so private for boys. And besides, on boys they're called 'pecs.' Apparently understood as 'pigs.'


Kirst said...

that is hilarious. :)

LaRonda said...

They are so funny!!1

Jen Bontrager said...

Try calling them nipples and see what he hears. :)