Friday, January 22, 2010

Okay, I feel crappier than I hoped I would at bedtime tonight. This morning there was another after shock. I didn't let it bother me too much during the day, but by tonight I was really hoping for a call. I just needed some reassurance.

I didn't get a call, but Jolene let me know that Jared called her. He said that the guys were at the hospital today and that Kendall was in on many surgeries, amputations, etc. and that he was busy with that most of the day. He'll be back there tomorrow.

He said they are eating good Haitian food.

The part that's causing my crappy feelings is that Jared said they are predicting another earthquake in the next 36 hours. I was hoping that it was just a rumor floating around the area where they are, but I googled it and did find some things about big earthquakes being predicted soon. (I know, I can find anything you want to find or don't want to find posted on the internet.)

Anyway, I feel slightly better just writing this. I hope to talk to Kendall soon! Keep praying. Thanks.


LaRonda said...

Oh my Karen, I feel your anxiousness...we just need to keep trusting. I hadn't heard about the earthquake that they are predicting. I pray that you can talk to Kendall soon. Blessings on your day!

Matt said...

I think it's awesome that Kendall is able to go and help. Praying for safety and that some doors may open on the adoption front.